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Blog — Travel

Four Things Your Teen Can Do This Summer to Prepare For College and Life

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

What are your teen's plans this summer? 

Summer is a time to relax, have fun, spend with friends, go on vacation and take a break from school.  But summer can be a very productive time as well. Encourage your teen to weave one of more of these ideas into their summer fun and help them prepare for college and life while life is just a little more relaxed...easier.

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Making History Come Alive

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Learning along side my children was one of the many perks to homeschooling. In fact, now that my children are all grown, I really miss the continued learning about places, times, people, I even miss working on math so I can keep my math skills sharp! (I don't miss the tears and attitudes when the math books came out!😄)
History was my favorite subject to teach. I learned some pretty amazing things about people and places with my kids.
Whenever I could find a movie that went along with what we were learning, I would make time in our school schedule to watch it. People of all ages learn best when they can use as many ways of learning as possilbe.

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Family Mission Trips and Why You Should Do Them

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Our family just returned from a trip to Kenya. We had several reasons for our trip, one was to visit and encourage our dear family friends who have moved there to open a business and share the gospel through their work and lives. The other was to visit Kids for Christ, an organization that our church has begun partnering with. Several of our church families sponsor these beautiful children, providing food, clothing, education and more. Although the surrounding of where these children live and go to school is absolutely beautiful,.... continue reading

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Learning with Netflix, Amazon, YouTube and More

Posted by Michelle Osborn on


With a  DVD player, a smart TV and WiFi in your home the possibilities are almost endless..... continue reading

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Surviving the Homeschool Winter Slump

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Are any of you experiencing the homeschool winter slump right now? The holidays are over, Weather prevents most outdoor activities for many of us. Spring seems so far away. Colds seems to be shared better than anything else in the home. If you are new to homeschooling, don't worry, this is normal. It happens to all of us, whether you have homeschooled for one year or 20+ years

These are just a few of our own ideas and ones we have gathered from other homeschool moms..... continue reading


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