Blog — Rent
4 Steps to Teaching Multiple Ages
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
When you’re a homeschooling mom teaching multiple ages, you may feel stressed and overwhelmed. You want what’s best for your children, and this includes providing them with the best home education possible. Deep down you know there has to be a better and easier way to teach them all, but you just haven’t .......continue reading
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- Tags: Books, Children, Classes, Curriculum, Family, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Parenting, Reading, Rent, resources, unit study
When My Homeschool Curriculum Choices Aren't Working
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
I know from experience that about now, you might be feeling a bit frustrated with the curriculum choices you've made and might be looking for something different. You have finally been able to confess that your homeschool curriculum choices aren't working. Here are several things you can do to overcome this homeschool hurdle....continue reading
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- Tags: Children, Classes, Curriculum, Encouragement, guide, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Rent
Music, is it Essential to Your Child's Success?
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
Is Music Essential to Your Child's Success? The answer will depend on what your goals are for your children.
Countless studies have shown that when music is a part of a child’s life, they excel beyond their counter parts that do not include music into their lives.... continue reading
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- Tags: Apologia, Art, Childhood Development, Children, Classes, Electives, Highschool, History, Homeschool, Music, Rent, resources, Science, Sonlight, Struggling Learner, Teens
3 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Homeschooling
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
You’re ready to start homeschooling, but there are so many questions and concerns floating around in your mind. First let me just say that it is totally normal to be nervous, concerned, and a bit overwhelmed. Here are three things that I think you need to know before you start homeschooling. There are so many more, but here are a few.... continue reading
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- Tags: Encouragement, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Rent
Curriculum Highlight- Sonlight
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
- Tags: Books, Boys, Children, Curriculum, Family, Giveaway, Highschool, History, Homeschool, Rent, Teens, US Government