Blog — Childhood Development
Why Art is Important for Children and Teens
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
Ancient Greeks, philosophers like Plato recognized the inherent value of studying the arts. music, dance, theater and the visual arts and were seen as integral to Greek society.
For the last ten plus years, our culture has put a heavy emphasis on S.T. E. M. (Science Technology, Engineering, Math) Although, these are important and have improved many aspects of our lives, we can not forget about the arts....continue reading
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- Tags: activities, Art, Childhood Development, Children, Electives, Highschool, History, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Planner, resources, Science, Teens
Music, is it Essential to Your Child's Success?
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
Is Music Essential to Your Child's Success? The answer will depend on what your goals are for your children.
Countless studies have shown that when music is a part of a child’s life, they excel beyond their counter parts that do not include music into their lives.... continue reading
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- Tags: Apologia, Art, Childhood Development, Children, Classes, Electives, Highschool, History, Homeschool, Music, Rent, resources, Science, Sonlight, Struggling Learner, Teens
A Child's Life: Don't Miss It
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
A Father's Day Gift for Dad and the Family! Grab my free Family Conversation Starter sample here
Sun + Dirt + Microbiome: Let your Kids Get Dirty
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
Sun + Dirt + Microbiome: Let your Kids Get Dirty
Any time the weather is warm, we need to let our kids play outside as much as possible, soak up the sun, play in the dirt + gardens, splash in pools + oceans, eat fresh food, etc. As it gets cooler, sit out by campfires and you know that will get them dirty! Some how, most kids find a way to get the soot on themselves and their clothes!....We live in a bacteria 🦠 fearful world right now but not all bacteria is bad!!!...continue reading
What Does Homeschooling Really Look Like?
Posted by Michelle Osborn on
If you are reading this chances are that because of the current world events you are seriously considering homeschooling, or you are just a very curious person. Either way, I'd like to tell you what homeschooling looks like in our family and how we lived it out.
But before I really start.... continue reading
- Tags: activities, Childhood Development, Children, Encouragement, Family, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Parenting