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Blog — unit study

4 Steps to Teaching Multiple Ages

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

When you’re a homeschooling mom teaching multiple ages, you may feel stressed and overwhelmed. You want what’s best for your children, and this includes providing them with the best home education possible. Deep down you know there has to be a better and easier way to teach them all, but you just haven’t .......continue reading


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Making History Come Alive

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Learning along side my children was one of the many perks to homeschooling. In fact, now that my children are all grown, I really miss the continued learning about places, times, people, I even miss working on math so I can keep my math skills sharp! (I don't miss the tears and attitudes when the math books came out!😄)
History was my favorite subject to teach. I learned some pretty amazing things about people and places with my kids.
Whenever I could find a movie that went along with what we were learning, I would make time in our school schedule to watch it. People of all ages learn best when they can use as many ways of learning as possilbe.

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Fun and Stress Free Homeschooling Through the Holidays

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Thanksgiving, Christmas, the holiday season... Why does homeschooling during this time equal stress for many of us? Why can't homeschooling be fun and stress-free during the holiday season? It took me years, but I did figure out how....continue reading and enter for a chance win to a huge homeschool package worth $1,400!

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