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Music, is it Essential to Your Child's Success?

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

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Is Music Essential to Your Child's Success? The answer will depend on what your goals are for your children.

Countless studies have shown that when music is a part of a child’s life, they excel beyond their counterparts that do not include music in their lives.

Music and learning to play an instrument have been directly linked to higher grades, improved cognitive function, and increased concentration levels.

Scientists at John’s Hopkins College have experimented with music and shown that educators who employ music in their classrooms have seen an improvement in their students.
Here a just a few other ways music will help your child.
  • A happy environment

  • Can Boost Feelings of Self-Esteem & Self-Worth

  • Can Boost Socialization

  • Playing An Instrument Hones Fine Motor Skills

  • Helps Provide Emotional Regulation
Still not convinced?
Children that have music or art in their lives are....
  • Four times more likely to take part in a math or science fair.
  • Three times more likely to have good school attendance and win an award for it.
  • Four times more likely to be recognized and acknowledged for academic achievements.
  • Three times more likely to stand for and be elected to class office.
  • Likely to have higher SAT scores.
  • Less likely to drop out of school.
  • More likely to gain employment after school due to their creativity.
~Dr Pierrette Poinstett
Now you may look at the above list and think, this is how music helps public school kids. How about homeschoolers? Well, what I can tell you is that homeschoolers already excel beyond public school children, so music just makes it even better!
Image from Lawrence Piano Studio
Can you believe all that  happens in the brain when a person plays the piano?

I am bias when it comes to piano lessons. I have been playing the piano since I was eight and teaching piano for 32 years! Piano is a foundational instrument, teaching a child to read notes, count, dynamics, etc. that can be used with any other instrument.

Depending on your personality as a parent/teacher, adding elective classes to your homeschool maybe difficult. I was continually fighting myself to make school fun and also get done what was necessary.

There are more academic “have too's” when your children become teens, but don’t remove the arts! Use the two fine arts credits that most states require for graduation to add music or art that interest them.

I homeschooled four children with an eight year age span. I loved it when I could find resources that would work for all ages! Many music and courses can be incorporated to fit multiple ages.
Enter....ChalkPastel (You Are An Artists) and Music in Our Homeschool

Because I believe that music and art are so important to improving your child’s life, I created a homeschool resource, History Science, Music Art: A Great Combo for Learning (only $1.97!) to help you add music and art to your child’s homeschool that will completely coincide with the history and or science that they are learning.

These are perfect combinations that will help learning stick by using several senses at once. The more senses a person uses to learn something, the better the chances or remembering and recalling what has been learned.

The best way for anyone to learn is by using as many senses as possible! I have matched up some perfect combinations of art, music, history and science so you, your children, and teens can learn in ways that will make it stick and have fun while learning! This was made with you in mind... resources that are sure to be a hit with your children!
I have taken all the history curriculum that we have to offer at Yellow House Book Rental, Mystery of History, Notgrass, and Sonlight listed the dates in history that these courses cover and have matched each one of them with Music in Our Homeschool Courses and Chalk Pastel Membership that cover the same period of time making it a great reference for you to match any history curriculum with art and music of the same time period.
I have also matched some of our science curriculum (Apologia and Berean Builders with art and music.)
Whether you are using curriculum that we have available at Yellow House Book Rental or elsewhere, my suggestions to intertwine music and art to your child's learning are still applicable.


Music in Our Homeschool for preschool through high school. Enrollment is now open.
Music courses may be purchased separately. They also have a huge selection of free 15-minute music lessons.
Music in Our Homeschool  for PreK thru High School will make this part of your homeschool easy and fun. It’s just click-and-go and doesn’t require any prep!
Learning is so much more fun when we can see it, feel it, touch it, hear it and sometimes even taste it! Music is a powerful tool and resource. Don't leave it out of your homeschool! 

Enjoying the journey,


  Michelle Osborn is the owner and founder of Homeschooling Teens Successfully and Yellow House Book Rental, specializing in providing homeschool curriculum as well as counseling and guidance for homeschool families. She is a wife, a 22-year homeschool veteran, and mom of four children and six grandchildren. Two of her children are now entrepreneurs, running their own successfully businesses. Michelle’s passions include serving by leading worship at her church and encouraging homeschool moms through one on one, social media and speaking engagements. She has found her niche in helping parents homeschooling their teens through the high school years and on to pursue their dreams.

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