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Why Rent Homeschool Curriculum


Welcome to Yellow House Book Rental! We are primarily a homeschool curriculum, rental service. However, we offer a variety of services. You can compare each one, at Yellow House Book Rental, and decide which is best for your family.  

Eight Reasons to Rent Homeschool Curriculum

1. You want to save money. Rent at less than half the cost of purchasing. Teacher’s books are especially ideal for renting.  If you are worried about the condition of the book, after being a part of your homeschool year, think of this.  You, not the children, are the one that will be using the teacher books.  They are not books that will be written in.  Teacher books and answer keys are usually the most expensive books to purchase.

2. You want to try a new curriculum without the cost and commitment: How often do you wish you could try a curriculum without having to pay for the whole set, and then decide you don’t like it?  You can try out our curriculum by renting it.  If you decide it is a good fit for you and your children, you have two choices:  you can return the rented material after the years use, or, you may choose to purchase it.  (The purchase price will be the cost of the book, minus the rental fee that you have already paid.  You win either way!!

3. You have children of various ages.   Renting from us will ensure that you always have the latest teacher’s edition and/or teachers key.  If you have two or more children, with several years between their ages, by the time you buy the youngest child’s consumable book, the teacher’s key you purchased could be out of date.

4. You like money back guarantees.  We allow you to return your product up to 21 days after purchase if you are not satisfied.  You can choose to receive 90% credit to your account or you may get an 80% refund. 

5. Reselling your curriculum is not something you enjoy.  Rent your textbooks and teacher‘s guides, answer keys, etc., use them for the year, and return them.  (Return shipping is on us!)  No resale involved

6. You don’t have room in your home to store unused curriculum.  Let us take care of that for you.

7. You have starting homeschooling mid-year. Why spend money on a whole year of curriculum when you only need it for a short time? We have discounts available for renting curriculum mid-year. Please contact us and let us know what you need and we will help make it happen at a discounted rate, if possible.

8. You'd like to Try Before You Buy. You would like to try a new curriculum out and you think you will like it but you don't want to commit. If it isn't a good fit, return it after the rental period. If you like it, let us know and we will bill you the purchase price minus the rental price you already paid. When you pay for it, it is yours to keep!

Start your 5 or 10 month rental any time of year!

Learn How You Can Rent Homeschool Curriculum

Lots of options!  Renting is just one more option that you now have available in choosing in curriculum!

FAQ answers to questions asked about the rental process here



Please read these excellent reviews about rent from Yellow House Book Rental

Finding Curriculum for Less

Renting Homeschool Curriculum: A Low Budget Option