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Blog — Homeschooling

Making History Come Alive

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Learning along side my children was one of the many perks to homeschooling. In fact, now that my children are all grown, I really miss the continued learning about places, times, people, I even miss working on math so I can keep my math skills sharp! (I don't miss the tears and attitudes when the math books came out!😄)
History was my favorite subject to teach. I learned some pretty amazing things about people and places with my kids.
Whenever I could find a movie that went along with what we were learning, I would make time in our school schedule to watch it. People of all ages learn best when they can use as many ways of learning as possilbe.

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5 Quick Tips to Help You Beat the Winter Homeschool Slump

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

If you’ve been homeschooling any amount of time, then you’ve most likely heard about the winter homeschool slump. It’s typically something that will catch you off guard and before you know it, you’re scrounging to get back into your normal routine. Instead of trying to navigate through the slump, let’s talk about ways to beat it altogether!...... continue reading

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What Does Homeschooling Really Look Like?

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

If you are reading this chances are that because of the current world events you are seriously considering homeschooling, or you are just a very curious person. Either way, I'd like to tell you what homeschooling looks like in our family and how we lived it out.

But before I really start.... continue reading

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So you’re going to homeschool – now what?

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Find great tips for this transition from public school to homeschool! There are several things that are important to know when you decide you’re going to homeschool, and whether you’ve had your kids home all along, or did what we did and pulled them from public school, homeschooling offers many wonderful opportunities to learn and grow with your child..... continue reading

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3 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Homeschooling

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

You’re ready to start homeschooling, but there are so many questions and concerns floating around in your mind. First let me just say that it is totally normal to be nervous, concerned, and a bit overwhelmed. Here are three things that I think you need to know before you start homeschooling. There are so many more, but here are a few.... continue reading

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