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Mom, You Are Amazing!

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

 Welcome to Yellow House Book Rental! We are primarily a homeschool curriculum, rental service. However, we offer a variety of services. You can compare each one, at Yellow House Book Rental, and decide which is best for your family.

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Many of you may not be in this stage of life, the empty or almost empty nest, but remember, it comes faster than you would like. Enjoy every minute with your little ones. Tomorrow, the hugs, laughter and silly things they did will just be a memory. Hold them close and thank God for the blessings that made you a mother! 

Every year (well, maybe not every year) my children ask me the same question. After thinking about it, I decided I'd give them my real answer:

What do I want for Mother's Day? I want you. I want you to keep coming home, I want you to bring your kids to visit often, I want you to ask me questions, ask my advice, tell me your problems, ask for my opinion, ask for my help. I want you to come over and rant about your problems, rant about life, whatever. Tell me about your job, your worries, your kids, your fur babies. I want you to continue sharing your life with me. Come over and laugh with me, or laugh at me, I don't care. Hearing you laugh is music to me.
I spent the better part of my life raising you the best way I knew how. Now, give me time to sit back and admire my work.
Raid my refrigerator, help yourself, I really don't mind. In fact, I wouldn't want it any other way.
I want to see you happy and healthy. When you ask me what I want for Mother's Day, I say "nothing" because you've already been giving me my gift all year. I want you.  ~ Author unknown

Do you need some Mom encouragement?

Just a Mom 

Will My Children Ever Grow Up?

Visit our Pinterest board, Motherhood: The Best and Hardest Job for more quotes

Has the nest emptying started for you? What do you miss most? Do you have any suggestions for the mom of a full house of "Blessings" that is looking forward to that day?


Enjoying the journey,


 Hi! I'm Michelle, the owner and founder of Yellow House Book Rental, specializing in providing homeschool curriculum for rent or purchase, as well as counseling and guidance for homeschool families. I'm a wife of 29 years, a 22-year homeschool veteran, and mom of four amazing children ranging from 18-26. We are just about to empty the nest. Oh, how time flew! My husband and I are excited to see how the Lord will use us in this new phase of life. I'd love to be friends! Send me an email, or connect with me on social media and tell me about yourself.

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