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Don't Worry About Homeschool Science this School Year

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

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When our kids were young, it was easy to teach them the alphabet and how to count. As the year's pass, certain subjects become more difficult to teach. It can be easy to be intimidated by certain subjects—like the sciences.
While my kids were young science was more of a fun thing, researching interests on the internet, like the tarantula or snake we found in the yard, or fun science experiments (most of them failed, but it was fun trying🤣)
If Journey Homeschool Academy had been around 15+ years ago, I would have tried it! It looks so fun. I loved learning with my children. This is why I believe it.

Children Retain Information Better When They’re Engaged in It

You’ve probably observed that your children retain information better and longer when they’re actively engaged in the learning process. Even children who struggle with traditional academics feel accomplished after participation in a hands-on activity. The more of the five senses they can use when learning, the better the chance of them retaining the information.

Some Things Can Only Be Learned by Doing Them

Both in school and in life, some lessons just have to be learned through experience! Reading about something in a textbook just doesn't do it, but they “click” instantly when the child performs the experiment for themselves.

Hands-On Learning Provides an “Anchor” in the Memory

When kids look back on an activity they did, whether it was drawing or cooking or gardening, this memory provides an “anchor” in their mind. They’re more likely to attach feelings to the learning process. And this means they’re more likely to remember the lesson attached to the activity!

That’s why JHA includes hands-on science activities in our homeschool science curriculum: They believe children learn best when they enjoy the process!

Journey Homeschool Academy  has online science curriculum that will not only give your children the hands on activities that they need  for  learning but will help solve your science woes as well!
Check out the exciting courses they have to offer:

JHA courses consist of a unique blend of reading, videos, activity sheets, and hands-on activities and science experiments.

What parents are saying

I was concerned about the cost, but knew I was going to struggle with getting the fun, but important subjects done…We had a new baby arriving this year and a herd of goats to manage daily. Experience Astronomy was perfect for this time of our life because it was so easy to use. I liked that the lessons were brief, but deep. And five of our seven kids were able to enjoy them, which was such a gift to me because with such a span of ages, it’s hard to find something we can all enjoy. Experience Astronomy provides a great and easy to assimilate science into even the busiest of weeks.– Karissa (mom to Elementary Astronomy students)

I hated the idea of my daughter doing work alone— simply handing her a boring textbook for biology……but it’s difficult for me to do any school with my daughter since she has 3 younger siblings that need help and I work from home. We hadn’t used any online courses, so I was concerned online biology would be boring for my daughter. Experience Biology has such engaging lesson videos and the labs are interesting. So even though she’s done the course alone, it’s been a lot of fun! The course is rigorous enough I feel my daughter is getting a strong introduction to Biology but has enough wiggle room that if she misses a day, she can easily combine days and catch up.
– Melissa, mom of Experience Biology student 
You, the parent, don’t have to be the expert: The instructors, Luke and Trisha Gilkerson, will do all the teaching for you (via video).
Hands-On Activities Are A Must For Homeschool Science
The interactive courses include integration with history, literature, and even the Bible.

It’s interactive: in astronomy, your student will get outside on a weekly basis to take notes or draw specific observations in the sky; in biology and chemistry they’ll conduct several lab experiments each month—something that used to be reserved only for kids in classrooms. And in Earth Science they’ll get their hands dirty exploring rocks, minerals, earthquakes, and more!
From the comfort of home: all the required activities can be done online + in your home.

Christian emphasis: the subject of science is studied through a Christian worldview. In Biology, the courses help students think critically about how the Bible and science address evolutionary theory, which they’ll encounter throughout their lives.
Sure, you could throw a boring textbook at your kids this year.
…but when you sign up for Journey’s science courses, you’ll be fostering a love of science and encouraging them to explore the subject in a fresh, exciting way. This is solid science education developed by—and for—homeschoolers.

I never found a science curriculum that I loved for elementary. Apologia was definitely my go-to for high school, but because I homeschooled in the early homeschool days, Apologia's elementary series was not available.
Be sure to check it out Journey Homeschool Academy before it's too late! Registration for all courses ends in August.
If you have any questions check out the Journey Homeschool Academy website. If you don't see your answer, contact Luke & Trisha (the instructors) to get your questions answered:
I think my children would have loved the hands on interactive video approach.
Let me know what you and your kids think!

Enjoying the journey,


  Michelle Osborn is the owner and founder of Yellow House Book Rental, specializing in providing homeschool curriculum for rent or purchase, as well as counseling and guidance for homeschool families. She is a wife of 32years, a 22-year homeschool veteran, and mom of four amazing children and five adorable grandchildren. Three of her children are now entrepreneurs, running their own businesses and doing quite well. Michelle’s passions include serving by leading worship at her church and encouraging homeschool moms through one on one, social media and speaking engagements. She has found her niche in helping parents homeschooling their teens through the high school years and on to pursue their dreams

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  • I would love to be able to use this science with my 2 children. I have been diligently looking for a good science program but unfortunately I can’t afford most of the things I am finding. This would be a lifesaver for us! Thank you for sharing the information!

    Tiffany on
  • I think this program would give my kids an additional appreciate for the awesome-ness above us!

    Rose on
  • Astronomy is one science subject that 3 of my kids could do together at their own level so winning the younger level would be a huge blessing. Thanks!

    Karla on
  • Astronomy is one science subject that 3 of my kids could do together at their own level so winning the younger level would be a huge blessing. Thanks!

    Karla on
  • My son LOVES astronomy and definitely would enjoy this curriculum. Astronomy is not my strong subject so any help I can get is much appreciated!

    Nichole on

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