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Blog — Holidays

October 31: An Important Day in Christian History

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

reformation day activities

October 31st, best know as Halloween is also  Reformation Day, the anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses on the door of All Saints’ Church—an event that eventually sparked the Reformation. This is an excellent opportunity for Protestants to celebrate how the gospel of salvation has been accurately taught since the days of the Reformation. Click here to find books, unit studies, coloring pages and more on Martin Luther.

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The Legends of Christmas

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Welcome to Yellow House Book Rental! We are primarily a homeschool curriculum, rental service. However, we offer a variety of services. You can compare each one, at Yellow House Book Rental, and decide which is best for your family. **This post may contain affiliate links and we will be compensated, at no extra charge to you, if you make a purchase after clicking on these links.   Whether you are a homeschool parent and looking to continue learning but in a more relaxed manner or you are just a mom who loves adding extra Christmas family fun to your season,...

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The Blessings of Homeschool Freedom

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Have you ever been threatened with imprisonment or having your children taken from you because you chose to homeschool?

In many countries this is a very real threat.
How often to you thank God for this freedom? 
It looks like this:.....continue reading

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Christmas- What Really Matters Most and GIVEAWAY!

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Every year I do the same thing. I tell myself that I will get all my Christmas shopping, and gifts made and done before Thanksgiving. This has been a Christmas wish that continues to elude me! It has been on very rare occasions that I actually have sent Christmas gifts early enough that they arrive before Christmas. Such high hopes... maybe this year? I doubt it.

I have learned that we, parents, need to be the examples of how and WHY Christmas is celebrated...... continue reading

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Top Christmas Gift Picks that Give All Year Long for Homeschool Families

Posted by Michelle Osborn on


I have put together a few Christmas gift ideas that I would have loved to have available to me in the thick of our homeschooling years

Pley: A gift for the whole family!

. Three of our four children are homeschool graduates and making a difference in the world with their gifts and talents. We are blessed with one teenager at home that we are homeschooling. Time goes so fast! ENJOY it while it lasts!! Happy shopping and remember, relationships and time together, not gifts, are the most important!  Hop on over to the complete list of gifts

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