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Five Reasons Why Every Teen Should Volunteer

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

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Why should your teen take time to volunteer?

With school, work, extra curricular activities, etc, should you suggest one more thing for them to add to their lives?

Teen volunteers gain a lot from their experiences as they learn, grow, and mature. Every teen should volunteer for numerous reasons. 

Let's look at five reasons

1. Boost that Resume

Volunteering can impress a future employer and set them apart from other applicants for job and school applications. It shows ambition and that they a have real life experience outside school. The person is ready to leave his comfort zone to achieve his goals.

These are great qualities that recruiters and admissions officers look for in a potential student or employee.

2. Learn Selflessness 

Volunteering teaches them to have empathy and compassion for others. It encourages them to be unselfish and think beyond themselves. And hopefully appreciate what they have.

"When you volunteer, you're identifying with others and you're choosing to make a difference. Selflessness is its own reward. It's a quality that makes people better and society, and communities sweeter. (The CP Diary)

3. Learn How to Connect with People of Different Backgrounds.

As a volunteer it is very likely your teen will spend time with people that come from a different background than them. It will help them see how others experience life and help your teen learn something new about how others live. 

From volunteering with animals to serving food to those in need, volunteering can expose them to very new experiences that they may not have known otherwise.

4. Discover New Passions

Having new experiences can help your teen discover a new passion. It might just open their eyes to something they never considered doing before. It could also give them contacts to help them pursue their new passion.

5. Gain Self Confidence

Volunteering gives them the opportunity to see how their efforts can improve the lives of others. This can play an important role in raising self-esteem in your teen during a time that is full of uncertainty and unknowns. Giving to others through their time and energy, maybe even their talents, helps them see that their actions make an impact on the world which helps build confidence.

Bonus reason: Volunteering boost happiness

Volunteering is great for your mental and even physical health. In fact, teenage volunteers usually have fewer psychological problems than those who do not. When they see that their activities have a positive impact on society, their confidence increases and they feel happier.

Without their own personal drive, volunteering becomes a chore. The best way to encourage your teens to serve is by incorporating their interests. What are they passionate about?

For example, if you have a teen that’s passionate about animals, have them find out about volunteer opportunities at an animal rescue center. If you have another teen that loves working with children, they can research ways to get involved in your community summer kids programs or your churches summer camp.

Volunteering is a great way to teach your children of any age about empathy and how their actions can make a difference in the world.  An added bonus is when you volunteer as a family. It can help your family members create stronger bonds with each other while creating lasting memories.

Does your teen have a favorite way to get involved in the community? Tell us about it in the comments and grab my freebie while you're here!

High school course requirements and planner at a glace!


Enjoying the journey,


  Michelle Osborn is the owner and founder of Yellow House Book Rental, specializing in providing homeschool curriculum for rent or purchase, as well as counseling and guidance for homeschool families. She is a wife, a 22-year homeschool veteran, and mom of four amazing children and five adorable grandchildren. Three of her children are now entrepreneurs, running their own businesses and doing quite well. Michelle’s passions include serving by leading worship at her church and encouraging homeschool moms through one on one, social media and speaking engagements. She has found her niche in helping parents homeschooling their teens through the high school years and on to pursue their dreams

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